GNT has been in business continuously since 1981, and has the expertise and corporate stability that puts customers at ease. Through the A+ rated Hanover Insurance Group we carry liability and workers compensation insurance.
The level of our training and expertise provides a service essential to the quality and safety of the trip. Your GNT Tour Manager assumes liability for interaction with the motorcoach driver and guides, the daily itinerary, check ins, payments and other details so you are able to focus on the overall student experience.
GNT has established relationships with hotels, guides, suppliers and area Convention and Visitors Bureaus. This familiarity ensures the group will receive a quality experience. We are able to acquire hotel rooms, tickets and other reservations promptly through these established connections.
Our Tour Managers undergo annual background checks, with trace to confirm identity. We search national, state and county criminal and sex offender registries using their name, date of birth and social security number.
GNT selects a motorcoach company that meets all federal guidelines for insurance and DOT driver regulations. Quality, professionalism, amenity and liability insurance requirements are all taken into consideration. GNT will procure certificates of insurance, naming your group as insured.
GNT has worked with TRiO programs all across the United States, providing both in person and virtual tours that engage students in meaningful ways. Our groups have traveled extensively across the US and Canada to participate in experiences that include cultural events and college visits essential to meeting your TRiO program goals.